
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Whitaker Point and Buffalo River in Ponca, Arkansas

We took a short vacation in November and went up to Branson to do some Christmas shopping.  We took the dogs and decided to spend the day driving through the Buffalo River National Park.  We also stopped and saw the elk at Boxley Valley, the lookout over the Arkansas Grand Canyon and hiked out to Whitaker Point.

It was a gorgeous view and totally worth it, but don't let people tell you it isn't much of a hike, as in don't just take off with your dogs in non-hiking shoes and no water.  It is a little longer that just a "short hike" at least now we know!
We just missed the leaves turning, but it was still a beautiful sight.
And I was glad to sit down, since I was wearing totally inappropriate shoes for our "short hike". 
It was about 45 minutes in and if you get lost about an hour and a half out, not that it happened to us or anything.
Remi wanted to jump in the Buffalo River so bad, we had to keep her on a leash.
Bull elk and his lady friend.
View from the lookout at the Arkansas Grand Canyon.  They said you could see Missouri from here!