
Friday, September 28, 2012

Orchard Additions 2012

We have been adding to and trimming up our trees since purchasing our house last March.  When we first moved in here there was one good pear tree, two crappy ones, one good blueberry bush, one very crappy blueberry bush, one good mulberry tree, one crappy cherry tree, and one good peach tree that requires ALOT of care to produce decent peaches.  Peaches are a pain in the butt, they require a spraying with pesticide and fungicide every 2 weeks after they have set fruit in the case ya didn't know!

This year we have added:
  • 2 Burbank plum trees
  • 1 Arkansas black apple tree
  • 2 Halls hardy almond trees
  • 1 Yellow Delicious apple tree
  • 1 Premier blueberry bush
  • 1 Brightwell blueberry bush
  • 1 Methley plum tree
  • 1 Moorpark apricot tree
  • 3 Cowart muscadine vines
It will be a few years before most of these start setting fruit, but once they begin they will produce for years!